In the short term, Pearl plans to focus on the humanitarian release of FARC hostages and a secret meeting between the GOC and ELN with an aim to revitalizing the stalled peace talks.

Both groups have expressed minimum conditions for a peace process that is supported by the GOC, the military, the private sector, and the international community. Pearl acknowledged that the GOC had communicated with both groups in order to develop the road maps and build confidence. (S/NF) Colombian High Commissioner for Peace Frank Pearl told the Ambassador January 5 that his office is preparing "roadmaps" for the next Administration on how best to pursue peace agreements with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN). Brownfield, Ambassador REASON: 1.4(B), (D) Summary - 1. 12958: DECL: 7 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, PTER, SNAR, PARM, ECON, CO SUBJECT: Peace Commissioner Lays Out Way Ahead on FARC, ELN REF: 09 BOGOTA 3281 CLASSIFIED BY: William R. ID: 242765 Date: 13:44:00 Origin: 10BOGOTA13 Source: Embassy Bogota Classification: SECRET//NOFORN Dunno: 09BOGOTA3281 Destination: VZCZCXYZ0001RR RUEHWEBDE RUEHBO #0013/01 0071344ZNY SSSSS ZZHR 071344Z JAN 10FM AMEMBASSY BOGOTATO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC 1914INFO RHEHAAA/NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON DCRHMFISS/CDR USSOUTHCOM MIAMI FLRHMFISS/DEPT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON DCRUCNDT/USMISSION USUN NEW YORK 0032RUEAIIA/CIA WASHINGTON DCRUEHBO/AMEMBASSY BOGOTARUEHBR/AMEMBASSY BRASILIARUEHCV/AMEMBASSY CARACASRUEHGV/USMISSION GENEVA 0008RUEHNY/AMEMBASSY OSLO 0010RUEHPE/AMEMBASSY LIMARUEHQT/AMEMBASSY QUITORUEHSM/AMEMBASSY STOCKHOLM 0001RUEHUB/USINT HAVANA 0003RUEHZP/AMEMBASSY PANAMAS E C R E T BOGOTA 000013 SIPDIS NOFORN E.O. Estos son los cables filtrados por la página de Wikileaks y que fueron divulgados este miércoles por el diario El País, de Madrid, EspañaĬable sobre contactos entre el Gobierno colombiano y las FARCEl comisionado colombiano para la paz explica que ha entablado contactos con la guerrilla para preparar 'hojas de ruta' que faciliten un futuro diálogo