You should then follow up your initial email and recall message with another email that contains the right information or corrects the initial one. That tells them that your initial email is incorrect or invalid for some reason. Though the initial email won't be deleted, the recipient receives a follow-up message indicating that you want to recall the previous email. However, even if you and the recipient use different email clients or backend systems, or you fail to recall the message before it's been read, the recall feature can still serve a purpose. The email must have been delivered to the recipient's mail server but it must not have been read yet. For your recalled message to be deleted, both you and the recipient must have a Microsoft 365 Business account or Microsoft Exchange email account in the same organization, meaning the same Exchange system on the backend. There are some requirements if the recall feature is to work properly.
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SEE: How to add a drop-down list to an Excel cell (TechRepublic) New Web SERIES - The Wheel of Time (Season 01) Hindi Dubbed (5.1 DD) Dual Audio - MP4/PC HD Movies. You can also send a replacement message with the correct information. Using the recall feature under the right conditions, your previous email is deleted without the recipient ever seeing it. You can fix your error after the fact by recalling a message. And then you realize for one reason or another that the message has a mistake or that it shouldn't have been sent at all. You send someone an email in Microsoft Outlook.